Electricity and Chemistry

  • Decomposition of an electrolyte with the help of electric current

  • Electrolyte:

    • Aq. solution of ionic substance or molten ionic salt

    • Conducts electricity due to the presence of mobile ions

  • Electrodes:

    • Rods which help current enter the electrolyte

    • Inert electrodes: do not take part in the reaction

    • Reactive electrodes: take part in the reaction



ElectrolyteAt cathodeAt anode
Molten lead(II) bromideLeadBromine
Concentrated hydrochloric acidHydrogenChlorine
Concentrated aqueous sodium chlorideHydrogenChlorine


  • Coating one metallic object with another metal using electrolysis

  • For electroplating, you need:

    • Anode made of metal you want to electroplate object with

    • Ions of same metal as anode in solution

    • Object to be plated at cathode

  • Used to:

    • Make things look better

    • Prevent corrosion




Plastic & Ceramics

Used for electricity cables because:

  • Light

  • Non-corrosive

  • Good conductor

  • Cheaper than copper

Used in electrical wires as it is:

  • A very good conductor (not best)

  • Ductile

Used as insulators because they:

  • Don’t conduct electricity

  • Conduct heat poorly

Cables have steel core, for strength

Plastic used for casing in plugs

Ceramics used to support cables in electricity pylons

Refining Metals

  • This is purifying impure metals

  • Rules:

    • Cathode: thin strip of pure metal

    • Anode: impure metal

    • Electrolyte: Aqueous Salt Solution of metal

  • Example:

  • Reaction at Anode: Cu -- 2e Cu^2+^ (mass decreases)

  • Reaction at Cathode: Cu^2+^ + 2e Cu (mass increases)


  • Electrolysis is a way to decompose compounds, using electricity.

  • Reduction of positive cations happens at the cathode

  • Oxidation of negative anions happens at the anode

  • For example:

    • At the anode: 2Cl^-^ → Cl~2~ + 2e^-^

    • At the cathode: 2H^+^ + 2e^-^ → H~2~

Extraction of Aluminium

  • The main ore of aluminium is bauxite -- high m.p.

  • Aluminium (III) oxide (alumina) is dissolved in molten cryolite (Na~3~AlF~6~) -- this mixture has a lower m.p. (industrially preferred)

  • During electrolysis aluminium is produced at the carbon cathode and oxygen at the carbon anode.

  • Due to the high temp. the oxygen reacts with the graphite anode to form CO~2~ and so anode had to be periodically replaced

Electrolysis of Brine

  • Brine is concentrated NaCl solution

  • Ions present: Na^+^, H^+^, Cl^-^ and OH^-^

At the anodeAt the cathode
Made of titaniumMade of steel
Chlorine gas evolvedHydrogen cations reduced to H~2~ molecules
Unreacted ions (Na^+^, H^+^ and OH^-^) move through porous membrane due to difference in liquid pressureLeft Na^+^ and OH^-^ which is aqueous sodium hydroxide
Net flow to the right