Acids, Bases and Salts

Properties of Acids

  • An acid is a compound which when dissolved in water produces hydrogen ions (H^+^) and are described as proton donors (H^+^)

  • Acids turn blue litmus indicator paper (or solution) red.

  • Have pH 1 to 6

  • Acid + metal → salt + hydrogen gas

  • Acid + base → salt + water

  • Acid + metal carbonate → salt + carbon dioxide + water

  • Strong acids completely ionize in water producing lots of H^+^ ions

  • Weak acids partially ionize in water producing few H^+^ ions

Properties of Bases

  • Bases are insoluble substances which neutralize acids to form a salt and water only and are proton acceptors

  • Alkalis turn red litmus indicator paper (or solution) to blue.

  • Have pH 8 to 14.

  • Base + acid → salt + water (+ CO~2~ when base is a metal carbonate)

  • Base + ammonium salt → salt + ammonia gas + water

  • Strong alkalis completely ionize in water producing lots of OH^-^ ions

  • Weak alkalis partially ionize in water producing OH^-^ ions


  • Neutral substances are pH 7.

  • Acidity in soil:

    • Plants grow at a pH near 7.

    • If it is too acidic or alkaline they will not grow.

    • Acidic soil is fixed by adding lime.

  • pH is the concentration of H^+^ ions per dm^3^ of solution


IndicatorColor in acidColor in alkaline
Methyl orangePinkYellow
Methyl redRedYellow
Red litmusRedBlue
Blue litmusRedBlue

Types of Oxides

  • Metal oxides are basic e.g. iron oxide and magnesium oxide

  • Non-metal oxides are acidic e.g. sulphur oxide and carbon dioxide

  • Aluminum, zinc and lead form amphoteric oxides e.g. zinc oxide

  • Oxides which are neither acidic or basic are neutral e.g. water and carbon monoxide

Preparation of Salts

  • A salt is a substance formed when all the replaceable hydrogen ions of an acid are replaced by metal ions or the ammonium ion

    • Salts can either be soluble or insoluble
Soluble SaltsInsoluble Salts
All sodium, potassium and ammonium salts
All nitrates
ChloridesExcept silver and lead
SulphatesExcept barium, lead and calcium
Potassium, sodium and ammonium carbonatesAll other carbonates

Type of Salts

Type of Salt RequiredAcid used
SulphateSulphuric acid
NitrateNitric acid
ChlorideHydrochloric acid
EthanoateEthanoic acid

Starting with a Metal

  • Add excess metal to an acid

  • When bubbling (hydrogen) stops the reaction is done

  • Filter off excess metal

Starting with an Insoluble Base

  • Add insoluble base to acid and heat gently, it will dissolve

  • Keep adding until no more dissolves (reaction is done)

  • Filter out the insoluble (excess) base

Starting with an Alkali (Titration)

  • Put a certain amount alkali in a flask

  • Add phenolphthalein

  • Add acid from a burette, stirring, until it goes colorless

  • Find out how much acid you used

  • Repeat, to be more accurate

  • Evaporate water from neutral solution

Test for Aqueous Cations

CationEffect of AQ. NaOHEffect of AQ. Ammonia
Aluminum (Al^3+^)White soluble precipitate formed giving a colorless solutionWhite precipitate formed
Ammonium (NH~4~^+^)Ammonium gas produced turns damp red litmus blue
Calcium (Ca^2+^)White precipitate formedNo precipitate/ slight white precipitate
Copper (Cu^2+^)Light blue precipitate formedLight blue soluble precipitate formed giving dark blue solution
Iron(II) (Fe^2+^)Green precipitate formedGreen precipitate formed
Iron(III) (Fe^3+^)Red-brown precipitate formedRed-brown precipitate formed
Zinc (Zn^2+^)White soluble precipitate formed giving a colorless solutionWhite soluble precipitate formed giving a colorless solution

Test for Anions

AnionTestTest result
Carbonate (CO~3~^2-^)Add dilute nitric acidBubble gas through limewater--from colorless to cloudy
Chloride (Cl^-^)Add nitric acid, then aqueous silver nitrateWhite precipitated formed
Bromide (Br^-^)Add nitric acid, then aq. silver nitrateCream precipitate formed
Iodide (I^-^)Add nitric acid, then aqueous silver nitrateBright yellow precipitate formed
Nitrate (NO~3~^-^)Add aqueous sodium hydroxide then add aluminiumGas produced turns damp red litmus paper blue
Sulphate (SO~4~^2-^)Add dilute nitric acid, then add aq. barium nitrateWhite precipitate formed

Test for Gases

GasTest and test result
Ammonia (NH~3~)Damp red litmus paper turns blue
Carbon dioxide (CO~2~)Bubble gas through--from colorless to cloudy
Chlorine (Cl~2~)Bleaches red/blue litmus paper
Hydrogen (H~2~)Place lighted splint, squeaky pop
Oxygen (O~2~)Place glowing splint, splint relights